Village Partnership is an opportunity to help a village in Sierra Leone overcome the obstacles of extreme poverty, illiteracy and endemic disease through committed partnership. Since its inception as a medical clinic partnering with teams of visiting doctors, Mercy Hospital has provided medical outreach to a network of villages surrounding Bo. In 2017, the Child Reintegration Centre launched a child scholarship and support program to reach the villages, so that children can go to school and receive case management services. Recognizing that the best way to help children is to equip, strengthen and empower families and community, Helping Children Worldwide is partnering in an initiative to expand services to these villages to provide family empowerment programs, micro-finance training, sanitation, clean water sources, school development, improved infrastructure, health and educational support services.
Believing that local ownership of solutions is the best way to ensure long term progress, this initiative has a built-in mechanism for turning funding responsibility over to to the village to continue the work initiated under the partnership by creating both a reinvestment oversight board in each village and an enterprise to generate reinvestment funds.
Churches, families, individuals and organizations are invited to join our Village Partnership initiative with a monthly or annual commitment over three years. You can also fund an individual project such as a well or sanitation system, or the entire village improvement and empowerment project.

In Support of Helping Children Worldwide
Our mission is to help children worldwide by strengthening families and communities.
You donation will allow us to:
- form trusted partnerships to serve and empower the world’s most vulnerable.
- focus our work on children and families and solutions that empower families and communities to become resilient and able to recover from times of crisis.
- link even more resources to needs.
- form more strategic development partnerships with like-minded people and organizations.
- collaborate within networks of social service organizations to leverage expertise and share resources.
- form strategic program partnerships with locally owned and managed organizations to build their capacity to operate without our assistance.
- advocate for local ownership of solutions to eradicate root causes of child poverty.
- maintain the financial health of our organization in order to continue operations, build and grow programs, and impact greater numbers of children in our global efforts in 23 countries around the world